Session 10: Interactive BYOP session + TBD special topic based on previous sessions' discussions
The objective of the Bring Your Own Problem (BYOP) sessions is to allow workshop participants to discuss their workflow needs, raise follow-up questions about session material, or initiate any discussion related to geospatial analyses on SCINet. Multiple BYOP sessions are scheduled to give everyone adequate time to participate and to allow questions to be re-visited if time outside of sessions is needed for follow-up.
In this final BYOP session, we will also address a TBD topic that was raised in previous sessions, e.g. how to handle a particular dataset or use a certain package.
Post-workshop update
The topic was how to use R to loop through input data files and submit SLURM jobs per file. A recording of this tutorial is coming soon. A written version of this tutorial, modified to be accessible to any SCINet user, is available on the Geospatial Workbook.